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Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2013, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 141-161.

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The Miocene Hipparion (Equidae, Perissodactyla) from Shihuiba Locality, Lufeng, Yunnan

SUN Bo-Yang   

  • Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-15



Abstract: The Shihuiba locality (Lufengpithecus site) at Lufeng, Yunnan is one of the most important Miocene mammal fauna sites in China. The Hipparion fossils collected from this locality from 1975 to 1983 were identified as Hipparion sp. 1 and Hipparion sp. 2. Recently, a further study of these fossils indicated that they represent two species.

摘要: 描述了产自禄丰石灰坝古猿化石地点的三趾马化石,分别归入两个种。其中一个种个体大、上颊齿窝内褶皱复杂且珐琅质厚、马刺呈不对称的多分叉状、次尖呈颈状收缩。根据上述特征组合将其归为西氏三趾马(Hipparion theobaldi (Lydekker, 1877)), 该种在南亚的西瓦里克地区也有分布。另一个种个体小、上颊齿褶皱复杂且珐琅质厚、下颊齿外谷窄而且浅。禄丰这一种与欧亚大陆、非洲和北美的三趾马均有明显差异,故将其定为禄丰三趾马(新种)(Hipparion (Hipparion) lufengense sp. nov.), 该种在西瓦里克地区亦有分布。根据这两种三趾马的齿冠高度及褶皱情况判断,两个种均向适应粗硬食物的方向发展。在这两个种生活的时期里,禄丰以森林环境为主,而西瓦里克地区则向草原化方向发展。因此推断这两个种在积极适应当地环境变化的同时也在为寻求更加适宜的环境进行长距离的迁徙。