Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2006, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (02): 164-181.
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Qiu Zhuding, Wang Xiaoming, Li Qiang
邱铸鼎 王晓鸣 李 强
Abstract: Neogene terrestrial deposits with rich fossil record are widespread in central Nei Mongol. The paucity of demonstrable superpositional sequence of assemblages and the lack of absolute dates , however, make recognition of the faunal succession and dating of the biochronology rely mainly on studies of faunal composition and evolution. The diversified faunas and new discoveries made in the last more than 20 years in this area afford an opportunity to further understand the phylogeny of mammals. The present work reviews the faunas, presents the updated faunal lists, and defines the biochronology through the analysis of the assemblages, although magnetostratigraphy is also considered when available. The faunal succession in the central Nei Mongol has assumed a prominent place in the development of a biochronology for the Neogene, covering parts of the Miocene Shanwangian , Tunggurian and Baodean, and the Pliocene Yushean of the Chinese Land Mammal Age. Informal subdivisions are suggested for Tunggurian and Baodean where it seems clearly indicated by the faunal succession. Although we are not able to propose boundary definitions for these ages, we utilize the first appearance and last occurrence of certain taxa in this region to characterize each age. Continued study of the succession , including discovery of new assemblages, will provide more data for the refinement of the biochronologic scale in this area, and for the establishment of more precise Neogene geochronologic subdivision in China.
摘要: 内蒙古中部地区陆相新近系出露广、含化石丰富。对这一地区新近纪的研究,可以追溯到20世纪初期瑞典地质学者安特生(J.G.Andersson)、法国古生物学者德日进(P.Teilhard de Chardin)和以美国探险家安德鲁斯(R.C.Andrews)为首的美国自然博物馆中亚考察团分别对二登图、高特格和通古尔的考察与化石采集。他们的开拓性工作使这些地方成为中国十分重要的新近纪经典地点。特别是通古尔,由于其产出的化石丰富、具有中中新世动物群的特征,已引入中国地质年表,作为新生代中一个“阶”的名称。最近20
Qiu Zhuding, Wang Xiaoming, Li Qiang. Faunal succession and biochronology of the Miocene through Pliocene Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia). Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2006, 44(02): 164-181.
邱铸鼎 王晓鸣 李 强. 2006, 44(02): 164-181, 内蒙古中部新近纪动物群的演替与生物年代. 古脊椎动物学报.
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