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Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 1995, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (04): 290-314.

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Tong Yongsheng, Zheng Shaohua, Qiu Zhuding   

  • Online:1995-12-15 Published:1995-12-15


童永生, 郑绍华, 邱铸鼎   

Abstract: Up to now about 1500 forms of mammals have been recognized in the Cenozoic deposits of different ages, ranging from Paleocene to Holocene. Studies of in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, and other aspects regarding these mammals are carred on actively in this country. This contribution aims to briefly: summarize and update the mammal ages for the Chinese Cenozoic records. Although systematic faunal succession and biochronology for all Chinese Cenozoic records have not been established, time units employed as land mammal ages have been introduced in the past years ( Romer, 1966; Li & Ding, 1983; Tong, 1989; Wang, 1992; Li et al. , 1984; Qiu & Qiu, 1990; -Zheng & Han, 1991 ). On the basis of nature and magnitude of the faunal changes, 18 mammal ages can be recognized. They are the Shanghuan and Nongshanian of the Paleocene; Lingchan, Arshantan, Irdinmanhan, Sharamurunian and Naduan of the Eocene; Ulangochuian, Ulantatalian and Tabenbulukian of the Oligocene; Xiejian, Shanwangian, Tunggurian and Baodean of the Miocene; Yushean, Nihewanian, Zhoukoudianian and Salawusuan of the Pliocene and Pleistocene (Tabs. I — 6).

摘要: 一个多世纪以来,在中国新生代地层中已发现近1500种哺乳动物。根据这些动物群体的组成及演替特征,将中国新生代初步归结为18个哺乳动物期,其中早第三纪10个,晚第三纪5个,更新世3个。