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Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 1995, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (03): 231-237.

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You Yuzhu, Dong Xingren, Cai Baoquan, Sun Yinglong   

  • Online:1995-09-15 Published:1995-09-15


尤玉柱, 董兴仁, 蔡保全, 孙英尤   

Abstract: Numerous mammalian fossils from Western Taiwan Strait were briefly discribed here. Concerning the age, besides an antler of Cervidea dated to late Tertiary, other specimens were suggested to be of late Pleistocene, such as Ursus sp., Elephas maximus, Dicerorhinus sp., Sus sp., Cervus unicolor, Cervus nippon and Bubalus bubalus, and early Holocene, including Cetacea gen. et sp. indet., Elephas sp. Sus scrofa, Cervus unicolor and Cervus nippon etc. The Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene faunal assemblages of Western Taiwan Strait differ from contemporary faunal assemblages ei ther from other sea area in China or localities at middle-western mountain area in Fuji an, they probably represent a local branch of Ailuropoda—Stegodon fauna occurred along the Southeastern coast of China.

摘要: 本文简要记述了出自台湾海峡西部海域的170件哺乳动物化石,其中的102件分属于Ursus sp.,Elephas maximus, Dicerorhinus sp.,Cervus unicolor, Cervus nippon, Sus sp.,和Bubalus bubalus,时代为更新世晚期;67件属全新世早期,包括Cetacea gen. et sp, indet.,Elephas sp., Sur scrota,Cervus unicolor和Cervus nippon等;属于第三纪晚期的仅有1