Myospalacines (Cricetidae, Rodentia) from the Miocene-Pliocene red clay section near DongwanVillage, Qin’an, Gansu, China and the classification of Myospalacinae
- LIU Li-Ping, ZHENG Shao-Hua, CUI Ning, WANG Li-Hua
2013, 51(3):
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A new classification scheme of the Myospalacinae on the generic level is proposed mainly based on the interparietal existed or absent, the occiput flat, convex or concave, and the molar rooted or rootless. The classification keys of the Myospalacinae: I. Interparietal existed; occciput convex; molars rooted···················Tribe Prosiphneini Leroy, 1940 Ia..Interparietal is quadrilateral and locates posterior to the lambdoid crest. On m1, the bra2 is opposite to the lra3, and parameters a, b, c, d and e are 0.0-0.5, 0.0-1.8, 0.3-1.6, 0.0-1.4 and 0.0-1.0 respectively········································Genus Prosiphneus Teilhard de Chardin, 1926 Ib..Interparietal is fusiform and locates between two wings of the lambdoid crest. On m1, the bra2 is opposite to the lra3, and parameters a, b, c, d and e are 0.0-0.3, 0.5-3.2, 0.7-3.3, 1.3-5.5 and 0.0-4.5 respectively······················································Genus Pliosiphneus Zheng, 1994 Ic..Interparietal is semicircle-shaped and locates anterior to the lambdoid crest. On m1, the bra2 located posterior to the lra3, and parameters a, b, c, d and e are 0.0-0.5, 1.8-4.0, 1.4-3.2, 1.6- 5.2 and 0.7-4.9 respectively····················································· Genus Chardina Zheng, 1994 II. Interparietal disappeared; occiput convex, flat or concave; molars rooted or rootless ················································································Tribe Myospalacini Miller & Gidley, 1918 II-I..Upper occiput locates posterior to the lambdoid crest, molars rootless, anterior enamel absent on m1 and the lra3 very shallow (convex occiput) II-Ia..Lingual reentrant (salient) angles on upper and buccal reentrant (salient) angles on lower molars are strong. The lra4 absent on m1······························ Genus Eospalax Allen, 1938 II-Ib..Lingual reentrant (salient) angles on upper and buccal reentrant (salient) angles on lowermolars are weak. The lra4 exists on m1 ·······················Genus Allosiphneus Kretzoi, 1961
II-II. Upper occiput locates anterior to the lambdoid crest (concave occiput)
II-IIa..Molars rooted. The bra 2 on m1 locates posterior to the lra3 and parameters a, b, c, d, and
e are 0.4-7.2, >1.8-8.0, 2.1-7.5, 1.7-7.9 and 1.1-8.0 respectively
··················································································Genus Mesosiphneus Kretzoi, 1961
II-IIb..Molars rootless. The anterior enamel band on m1 exists and the bra2 is opposite or
posterior to the lra3 ············································· Genus Yangia (=Youngia) Zheng, 1997
II-III. Upper occiput locates at the same position with lambdoid crest (flat occiput)
II-IIIa..Molars rooted. The lra 3 on m1 is shallower than the bra2 and parameters a, b, c, d, and e
are 0.3->3.6, >3.7->6.8, >4.2->7.7, >3.3->8.2 and >3.9->7.6 respectively
····················································································· Genus Episiphneus Kretzoi, 1961
II-IIIb..Molars rootless. The lingual reentrant angles on m1 is very shallow and an anterior
enamel exists······························································Genus Myospalax Laxmann, 1769
Myospalacines (including 10 species) from the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene red clay
section (consisting of 12 layers) near the Dongwan Village consistute approximately one fourth
of the known mammal forms listed by Liu et al. in 2011. Because Myospalacines occurred
in a single section with precise stratigraphic or chronological data (~7.2-3.5 Ma), they are
extremely significant to understand the phylogeny and evolutionary history of the subfamily in
this period.