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    20 April 2020, Volume 58 Issue 2
    A redescription of the Silurian Sinogaleaspis shankouensis (Galeaspida, stem-Gnathostomata) from Jiangxi, China
    GAI Zhi-Kun, SHAN Xian-Ren, SUN Zhi-Xin, ZHAO Wen-Jin, PAN Zhao-Hui, ZHU Min
    2020, 58(2):  85-99.  DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.191105
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    Sinogaleaspis shankouensis is redescribed based on 11 new specimens collected from the type locality of the Xikeng Formation in Xiushui county, Jiangxi Province. The in-depth morphological study indicates that the sensory canal system of S. shankouensis exhibits a mélange of characters of plesiomorphic galeaspid taxa, Eugaleaspiformes, Polybranchiaspiformes and Huananaspiformes. The grid distribution of the sensory canal system on the dorsal side of the head-shield, which comprises four longitudinal canals intercrossed with six pairs of transverse canals in S. shankouensis, probably represents a plesiomorphic condition of vertebrates. Sinogaleaspis shankouensis belongs to the Sinogaleaspis-Xiushuiaspis Fauna or the Maoshan Assemblage which represents the first diversification of galeaspids in the Telychian, Llandovery of the Silurian period. The sedimentary paleoenvironment of the Xikeng Formation in Xiushui, Jiangxi Province is suggestive of a brackish water environment, whereas a large sum of muddy gravels in fish-bearing sandstone beds point to a short distance of potamic transportation. This indicates that the Sinogaleaspis-Xiushuiaspis Fauna may live in a fresh water environment in the river rather than their burial area in the sea.

    A new species of Scleropages (Osteoglossidae, Osteoglossomorpha) from the Eocene of Guangdong, China
    ZHANG Jiang-Yong
    2020, 58(2):  100-199.  DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.191213
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    A new species of Scleropages, an extant genus of the Osteoglossidae, is described from the Lower Eocene Huayong Formation in the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong, China. The new species, Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov., was attributed to Scleropages because it possesses the diagnostic features of the genus in skull bones, caudal skeleton, the shape and position of fins, and reticulate scales. Compared with the four extant and one fossil species of Scleropages, the new species is most similar to the fossil one, S. sinensis. However, S. sanshuiensis is different from S. sinensis in many aspects: the nasal is ornamented; the third infraorbital is slightly smaller than the fourth; the posteroventral margin of the opercle is slightly concave; the pectoral fin extends just to the beginning of the pelvic fin; the distal ends of the neural arches on abdominal centra are not fused; the parapophyses are much longer than in S. sinensis. Scleropages sanshuiensis is closer to S. sinensis but it shares two characters with the living species (ornamented nasal and long parapophyses) while S. sinensis shares two characters with the extant ones too (the third infraorbital slightly larger than the fourth and the distal ends of the neural arches on most abdominal centra fused). It is not clear which one of the two fossil fishes is more closely related to the living fishes. The two fossils are probably in the same evolutionary level. In addition to the rich Mesozoic osteoglossomorphs, many Eocene ones were also found from China. The common ancestor of Scleropages and Osteoglossum may live before the Eocene in East Asia and then dispersed to Australia and other places of the World. Huayong Formation and Yangxi Formation, Songzi, Hubei are comparable and possibly deposited contemporaneously. Therefore, this work supports the view that the Huayong Formation is of Early Eocene.

    A Late Miocene Huerzelerimys (Rodentia: Muridae) skull from Hezheng, Gansu, China
    WANG Ban-Yue, QIU Zhan-Xiang, LI Lü-Zhou
    2020, 58(2):  120-133.  DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.200319
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    A skull with mandible and several cervicals of a new species of Huerzelerimys, H. asiaticus, collected from the Late Miocene Liushu Formation in Linxia Basin, Gansu Province, is described in this paper. The skull is the first one ever found for the genus Huerzelerimys. Its main characters are: size small; skull broad and short with stout rostrum; interorbital roof narrow; premaxillary laterodorsal crest well developed; frontal crests weak and subparallel; incisive foramina long, with their posterior ends lined up with anterior root of M1; posterior palatal foramina located mesial to M2; caudal border of hard palate lying posterior to M3; interpterygoid foramen absent; alisphenoid canal bony; bulla large and inflated; internal carotid foramen located near the basilar tubercle; mandible having low horizontal ramus and deeply concave diastema; anterior end of masseteric ridge lined up with anterior margin of m1; mental foramen situated slightly anterior to masseteric ridge and anteroventral to m1, near to mandibular diastema; upper incisors orthodont; M1 having slightly anteriorly located t1; in M1 and M2 t6 and t9 connected by distinct crest and t12 crest-like; t1 and t3 of M2 and t1 of M3 connected to t5; M3 having t3 and a large isolated t8; small Acc of m1 connected with both Alc and Abc; m1 and m2 having distinct buccal cingula, larger c2 attached to protoconid, and low crest-like posterior heel; m2 and m3 having isolated Abc; c1 absent in m3. The evolutionary level of the described skull tends to show that the age of the upper part of the Liushu Formation yielding H. asiaticus may belong to late Bahean, corresponding to European upper MN11 or lower MN12.

    Reappraisal of Serridentinus gobiensis Osborn & Granger and Miomastodon tongxinensis Chen: the validity of Miomastodon
    WANG Shi-Qi, ZHANG Xiao-Xiao, LI Chun-Xiao
    2020, 58(2):  134-158.  DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.200310
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    The elephantimorph proboscideans, Serridentinus gobiensis Osborn & Granger, 1932, and Miomastodon tongxinensis Chen, 1978, from the Middle Miocene of northern China, were revised as Zygolophodon gobiensis (Osborn & Granger, 1932). However, their phylogenetic positions are still being debated because of their intermediate morphology between the typical bunodont (Gomphotheriidae) and zygodont (Mammutidae) elephantimorphs. In the present paper, we compare their dental and mandibular morphology with that of the Eurasian Z. turicensis, Gomphotherium subtapiroideum, and G. tassyi, as well as the North American Mio. merriami and G. productum. It appears that S. gobiensis and Mio. tongxinensis share with Mio. merriami the slightly more bunodont molar morphology than that of Z. turicensis, e.g., the thicker enamel, thicker pretrite crescentoids, higher interlophid enamel pillars in buccal view, and the narrower contour majorly caused by the narrower posttrite half loph(id)s. S. gobiensis and Mio. merriami also possess an “erected oval cross-sectioned mandibular tusk”, in which the cross-section is mediolaterally compressed (dorsoventral diameter being larger than the mediolateral one). Whereas, in Z. turicensis and G. productum, the mandibular tusk is “laid oval cross-sectioned”, in which the cross-section is dorsoventrally compressed (dorsoventral diameter is smaller than the mediolateral one). Therefore, it is reasonable to revive the genus Miomastodon Osborn, 1922, which contains the species that were previously attributed to Zygolophodon, but they have relatively bunodont molar morphology (i.e., the robust type of the Z. turicensis group). The mandibular tusk with erected oval cross-section seems to be a synapomorphy of Miomastodon species. Furthermore, the molar morphology of G. subtapiroideum and G. tassyi also exhibits intermediate status between the typical bunodonts and zygodonts. However, the mandibular symphysis of G. subtapiroideum and G. tassyi is stronger than that of Miomastodon, and the mandibular tusk is pyriform cross-sectioned. The validity of Miomastodon and G. subtapiroideum/tassyi obscures the boundary between the Gomphotheriidae and Mammutidae, and suggests that the evolutions of the Gomphotheriidae and Mammutidae are deeply involved in with each other, rather than straightforwardly detached. This phenomenon has been revealed by a collagen sequence analysis among Notiomastodon, Mammut, and extant elephants, which should be further studied.

    Isotopic (C, O) variations of fossil enamel bioapatite caused by different preparation and measurement protocols: a case study of Gigantopithecus fauna
    JIANG Qu-Yi, ZHAO Ling-Xia, HU Yao-Wu
    2020, 58(2):  159-168.  DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.200109
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    Stable isotopic (C, O) analysis of fossil enamel bioapatite has been widely used in paleontological fields to reconstruct the paleoecology and paleoenvironment. It is common to compare the isotopic data of enamel bioapatite made by different pretreatment and measuring methods in different labs, without considering the isotopic variations possibly caused by different protocols. Here, we chose the same samples from Gigantopithecus fauna in the Longgu Cave (Longgudong), Hubei and remeasured their δ13C and δ18O values, which had been previously reported in Zhao et al. (2011) and Nelson (2014) with different pretreatment and measuring methods, in order to evaluate the effects of the above factors on the isotopic variability. The comparison among three isotopic dataset indicates that there did exist small isotopic variations on the δ 13C and δ 18O values. It seems that the δ 13C values were more influenced, probably due to differential practices to eliminate the diagenetic effects using varied chemicals and retaining reaction time during the process of bioapatite preparation. However, we should emphasize that the small isotopic variations observed here do not have produced substantial isotopic variance among fossil taxa and localities, providing the preliminarily theoretical foundation to make isotopic comparison directly. Even so, we still recommend that it is best to compare the isotopic data according to the same preparing and measuring protocols to remove the systematic errors or to re-measure samples again in different labs to calibrate the data.