Pareiasaur and dicynodont fossils from upper Permian of Shouyang, Shanxi, China
Received date: 2019-08-09
Online published: 2020-01-20
Chinese Permian tetrapods have been studied for decades. Many dicynodont fossils were reported from Xinjiang and Nei Mongol, only several pareiasaur species were reported in Shanxi (North China), where no dicynodonts have been reported. In this paper, a pareiasaur specimen and a dicynodont specimen are reported from the Shangshihezi Formation and the Sunjiagou Formation of Shouyang, Shanxi respectively. The pareiasaur specimen is more similar to Honania than Shihtienfenia based on iliac morphology. This suggests that the element of the Jiyuan Fauna (Honania Assemblage Zone) also occurs in the Shangshihezi Formation of Shanxi. The dicynodont fossil, an incomplete skull, is referred to Cryptodontia, and is probably the first representative of a new subclade within Cryptodontia in China.
Key words: Shouyang; Shanxi; Shangshihezi Formation; Sunjiagou Formation; Permian; pareiasaur; dicynodont
YI Jian, LIU Jun . Pareiasaur and dicynodont fossils from upper Permian of Shouyang, Shanxi, China[J]. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2020 , 58(1) : 16 -23 . DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.191121
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