古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (3): 225-244.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.240715CSTR: 32090.14.j.cnki.2096-9899.240715
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KE Yi-Hui1,2, PEI Rui1,*(), XU Xing1,3,*(
* peirui@ivpp.ac.cn,摘要:
暴龙科是研究最为深入的兽脚类支系之一,发育极端增厚的齿列,可能具有独特的碎骨捕食策略。与进食行为联系紧密的牙齿替换模式在这一类群中得到了广泛的研究,但前人对早期分异的暴龙超科成员却鲜有相应的研究。利用高分辨率CT数据,三维重建了晚侏罗世暴龙超科——五彩冠龙( Guanlong wucaii )两件标本的齿列,为研究暴龙超科的牙齿替换模式提供了新的信息。五彩冠龙幼年个体的下颌齿列发育二代替换齿,这一特征此前仅在包括暴龙科在内的大型猎食性兽脚类恐龙中有报道。Zahnreihen重建显示,五彩冠龙的两个个体在上颌骨齿和齿骨齿中均表现出Z间距大于2.0的从前向后的波状替换模式。五彩冠龙上颌骨齿的Z间距随着个体发育而变大,与在暴龙科成员中观察到的个体发育变化类似。此外,五彩冠龙在前上颌骨-上颌骨交界处显示出了与特暴龙( Tarbosaurus )相似的牙齿替换波的间断,且这种替换波的间断会随着个体发育加剧。这表明,一些与暴龙科类似的牙齿替换模式在暴龙科起源之前就已经产生。
柯易晖, 裴睿, 徐星. 高分辨率 CT 扫描数据揭示晚侏罗世暴龙类五彩冠龙牙齿替换模式. 古脊椎动物学报, 2024, 62(3): 225-244.
KE Yi-Hui, PEI Rui, XU Xing. High-resolution CT-scan data reveals the tooth replacement pattern of the Late Jurassic tyrannosauroid Guanlong wucaii (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2024, 62(3): 225-244.
Fig. 1 3D reconstructions of the upper tooth rows of dentition in IVPP V14531 in lingual view Orange represents functional teeth; green represents replacement teeth; the grey dotted line represents the mid-line of the dental arch. The scale bar equals 1 cm
Fig. 2 3D reconstructions of the upper dentition in IVPP V14532 in lingual views A. the left upper dentition (mirror reversal for comparison); B. the right upper dentition Pink represents functional teeth; cyan represents replacement teeth. The scale bar equals 1 cm
Fig. 3 3D reconstructions of the lower dentition in IVPP V14532 in lingual views A. the left lower dentition (mirror reversal for comparison); B. the right lower dentition Pink represents functional teeth; cyan represents replacement teeth; red represents second-generation replacement teeth. The scale bar equals 1 cm
Fig. 4 The evidence of second-generation replacement teeth in IVPP V14532 A. reconstructions of three tooth generations in Rd4 of V14532 in lingual view, the dotted line indicates the cross sections of B and C; B. the original CT image; C. colors represent different tooth generations T1. the functional tooth (pink); T2. the first-generation replacement tooth (blue); T3. the second-generation replacement tooth (red); The scale bar of A equals 5 mm, and the scale bars of B and C equal 1 mm
Fig. 5 Zahnreihen in the left upper dentition of IVPP V14531 RI. replacement index. Orange represents functional teeth; pink represents replacement teeth; rings represent premaxillary teeth; dots represent maxillary teeth; the grey numbers represent Z-spacing values that were not considered during the separate Zahnreihen reconstruction between the premaxilla and the maxilla; black lines represent Zahnreihen; dotted lines represent Z-spacing
Fig. 6 Zahnreihen in the left upper dentition of IVPP V14532 A. the left side; B. the right side RI. replacement index. Orange represents functional teeth; pink represents replacement teeth; rings represent premaxillary teeth; dots represent maxillary teeth; the grey numbers represent Z-spacing values that were not considered during the separate Zahnreihen reconstruction between the premaxilla and the maxilla; black lines represent Zahnreihen; dotted lines represent Z-spacing
Fig. 7 Zahnreihen in the lower dentition of IVPP V14532 A. the left side; B. the right side RI. replacement index. Orange represents functional teeth; pink represents replacement teeth; cyan represents second-generation replacement teeth; black lines represent Zahnreihen; dotted lines represent Z-spacing
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