

  • (1 中国科学院大学  北京 100049)
    (2 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,中国科学院脊椎动物演化与人类起源重点实验室  北京 100044)
    (3 福建省地质调查研究院  福州 350013)

网络出版日期: 2024-12-02

First discovery of Neogene proboscidean fossils in southeast China

  • (1 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  Beijing 100049)
    (2 Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate
    Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences  Beijing 10044) 
    (3 Fujian Institute of Geological Survey  Fuzhou 350013)
    * Corresponding authors: Jianrong Tang  tangjianrong27@163.com; Shi-Qi Wang  wangshiqi@ivpp.ac.cn

Online published: 2024-12-02


脊棱齿象是一类在新近纪时期分布广泛,具有年代指示性的哺乳动物。近来在中国福建省漳浦地区中中新世佛昙组下部发现了脊棱齿象新化石材料,这是首次在中国东南地区发现新近纪的长鼻目化石。臼齿新材料齿冠较低,齿脊非常直,中沟不明显,中附锥和后齿带比较发达,第二后中心小尖明显退化;在形态上与Stegolophodon pseudolatidens (伪宽齿脊棱齿象)相似,可归属于同一物种。该发现不仅填补了新近纪时期该地区大型哺乳动物化石记录的空白,还为理解长鼻类的演化及古环境研究提供了宝贵信息。


李春晓, 汤建荣, 王世骐, 王林昌, 郑迎凯, 邓 克, 林 敏, 陈润生, 周国武, 陈中央 . 中国东南地区首次发现新近纪象化石[J]. 古脊椎动物学报, 0 : 1 . DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.241110


 Stegolophodon is an age-informative genus of mammals that had a widespread distribution during the Neogene. This paper reports the discovery of Stegolophodon fossils from the Middle Miocene lower Fotan Formation at the Zhangpu locality, Fujian Province, China. This discovery represents the first evidence of Neogene proboscidean fossils in southeastern China. The newly found molar materials have low tooth crowns, very straight lophs/lophids, and an indistinct median sulcus. The mesoconelets and posterior cingulum are well-developed, while the second posterior pretrite central conule is significantly reduced. These specimens closely resemble Stegolophodon pseudolatidens in cheek tooth morphology, and can thus be attributed to the same species. This discovery fills a gap in the fossil record of large mammals in this region during the Neogene and provides valuable insights into the evolution of proboscideans and paleoenvironments.   
