间型三棱齿象(Trilophodon connexus Hopwood, 1935)属于豕棱齿象类而非嵌齿象
李春晓, 陈津, 王世骐

Reassessment of Trilophodon connexus Hopwood, 1935 and attributing it to the Choerolophodontidae
LI Chun-Xiao, CHEN Jin, WANG Shi-Qi
Fig. 3 Cheek teeth of “Choerolophodonconnexus and Gnathabelodon
A. “Choerolophodonconnexus, left m2 and m3, IVPP V8567; B. “C.connexus, left m2 and m3, IVPP RV35015; C. “C.” connexus, right m2, IVPP V31357, from Halamagai Formation, Ulungur region; D. Gnathabelodon thorpei, left m2 and m3, FHSU VP18, type specimen; E. “C.connexus, right M3, IVPP V8572, from Halamagai Formation, Ulungur region; F. “C.” connexus, left M3, IVPP RV35D49(cast of PMU-M 3045), from Diaogou, Xining Basin; G. Gn. thorpei, right M3, FHSU VP18
Abbreviations: li. lingual side; me. mesial side