间型三棱齿象(Trilophodon connexus Hopwood, 1935)属于豕棱齿象类而非嵌齿象
李春晓, 陈津, 王世骐

Reassessment of Trilophodon connexus Hopwood, 1935 and attributing it to the Choerolophodontidae
LI Chun-Xiao, CHEN Jin, WANG Shi-Qi
Fig. 1 Terminology and measurements of gomphothere molars
A. left m3 of “Choerolophodonconnexus, denoting the terminology of tooth crown; green color, pretrite crescentoids; blue color, pretrite central conules; B. molar crown measurements; C. molar height measurements. Abbreviations: L. length; H. height; Hpo. height of the posttrite side; Hpr. height of the pretrite side; W. width; W1, 2, …, 5. width of the 1st, 2nd, …, 5th loph(id)