袁梦, 李大庆, Daniel T. KSEPKA, 易鸿宇

A juvenile skull of the longirostrine choristodere (Diapsida: Choristodera), Mengshanosaurus minimus gen. et sp. nov., with comments on neochoristodere ontogeny
YUAN Meng, LI Da-Qing, Daniel T. KSEPKA, YI Hong-Yu
Fig. 5 Relative position between the occipital condyle and the jaw articulation among neochoristoderes
A. a reconstructed skull of neochoristoderes denoting the position of the craniomandibular joint (red circle) B, C. Ikechosaurus sunailinae: B. IVPP V 9611-3, C. IVPP V 9611-1, juvenile; D. Champsosaurus lindoei (CMN 8920); E. Tchoiria namsarai (PIN 3386/1, modified from Skutschas and Efimov, 2015); F. Mengshanosaurus minimus (IVPG-T002). The dashed lines indicate the position of the craniomandibular joint, and the red arrows denote the occipital condyle