李志恒, 王维, 胡晗, 王敏, 易鸿宇, 卢静

Reanalysis of Oculudentavis shows it is a lizard
LI Zhi-Heng, WANG Wei, HU Han, WANG Min, YI Hong-Yu, LU Jing
Fig. 2 Dentition of the holotype of Oculudentavis khaungraae (HPG-15-3)
A. three-dimensional reconstruction of the lower jaws showing patterns of tooth attachment and replacement in the dentary. The line drawing at top right corner depicts the relative position of the replacement tooth and functional tooth. B. transverse CT slice of the skull showing a cross-section through the mandibles. C, D. two dimensional (C) and three dimensional (D) sagittal CT slices of the skull through the right pterygoid, revealing three pterygoid teeth (i-iii) on the anterior process of pterygoid Abbreviations: lab. wall. labial wall of the groove for tooth attachment; ling. wall. lingual wall of the groove for tooth attachment. Scale bars: 2 mm