Additional tsaganomyid, cylindrodontid and ctenodactyloid rodent materials from the Erden Obo section, Erlian Basin (Nei Mongol, China)
LI Qian1,2()

Fig. 3. Cheek teeth of Coelodontomys asiaticus from the “Upper White” beds of the Erden Obo section
A. occlusal view of the maxillae with left and right P4-M1s (IVPP V 26552.2); B. sagittal section of the left P4 (V 26552.2); C. buccal view of the left maxilla showing the P4 to the buccal side of the I2 (V 26552.1); D. medial view of the left maxilla showing M1-3 to the medial side of the I2 (V 26552.1); E. anterior view of the mandibles showing the positions of the i2 and p4 (V 26552.1)
