陕西府谷晚中新世巨鬣狗(Dinocrocuta gigantea)(食肉目:鬣狗科)颅基部形态研究

Basicranial morphology of Late Miocene Dinocrocuta gigantea (Carnivora: Hyaenidae) from Fugu, Shaanxi
Fig. 5 Photograph of the lateral osseous external acoustic meatus and the mastoid process
A. Dinocrocuta gigantea IVPP V 15649 (right side);B. Canis familiaris OV 497 (left side)
Abbreviations: a1. anteron 1 of the annular cartilage;clr. curvilinear recess; fsd. foramen stylomastoideum definitivum; mc. mastoid crest (vertical branch); mco. the oblique branch of the mastoid crest; mcv. the vertical branch of the mastoid crest; mn. meatal notch;p1. posteron 1 of the annular cartilage; pp. proximal process of the annular cartilage; smc. suprameatal crest
Other abbreviations see Fig. 2. Scale bars = 1 cm